Tips + Tricks Coconut Oil Style

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year! Today is the second day in 2016 so I am sure all of you have some resolutions that you are trying out and hoping will stick. I know I do! I have a definite love affair with coconut oil, and I have for awhile. I have tried doing many things with it, especially in this last year, so now I have a list of my favorites that I will share with you!

  1. Oil pulling. This has been an on and off adventure in the past year. We have tried many times to do this, and have failed miserably. This is something we are definitely going to make stick in the new year! If you have never heard of oil pulling, just Google it. There is an endless supply of articles on it, so I won’t go into detail. It is supposed to whiten teeth and pull out toxins from your body so that sounds like a win-win for me!
  2. Eye makeup remover. I definitely don’t treat my eyes as sensitively as I should. I rub them with my face wash and then a towel in order to remove my eye makeup. I also buy eye makeup remover cleaners that are alcohol based, and this usually drys my eye area out horribly. I found out that coconut oil works great for this. Just wipe a little on your lid and rub gently, then rinse with warm water. Make sure not to get it in your eyes or your vision might be a little blurry. (Oops!) Besides that, coconut oil actually is good for your eyelashes and helps them grow so that’s pretty awesome.
  3. Hair mask. I am pretty sure all of you know about using coconut oil in your hair, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this! I will put some on my hair for an hour during the day if I have time, or sleep with it wrapped overnight. The trick is to make sure you heat the oil a little and massage your scalp. This stimulates hair growth, and the coconut oil will make your hair super smooth and shiny.
  4. Cooking. This really has nothing to do with beauty, but I have made the official transition to using coconut oil when cooking in the pan (along with olive oil and grape seed oil). Coconut oil can actually withstand higher temperatures than olive oil. Next time you cook, try switching out the butter or the spray and throw in a spoonful of coconut oil. It is so good for you, and I promise you will be thanking yourself later!
  5. Massage oil.  I feel like massages are just a mutual agreement in a relationship. I know I have given (and received) my fair share of massages after being married. It’s nice to have someone rub out the knots after a hard workout, when you’re sore and achey. One day I decided to use coconut oil instead of massage oil. Who knows what they put in massage oil, right? Something we do know is that coconut oil is wonderful for our skin. I highly recommend making the switch!

Do you have any other uses for coconut oil that you love?

Heart Jenn

6 thoughts on “Tips + Tricks Coconut Oil Style

  1. Leanne says:

    I love coconut oil! You’ve covered all of my main uses, except I haven’t tried oil pulling yet. Maybe that will be something to work on this year 🙂
    Also, you have a wonderful blog!


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